I am ready.
Ready to help you calm the fuck down.
I’m passionate about helping clients calm the fuck down so they can roll with life’s punches.
Below is a quick overview of what my CTFD coaching program looks like:
What’s going on?
Brain dump all of your worries, obligations, demands, stressors, concerns. Bring them all out to the open where you can see what is overwhelming you.
What’s in your control?
Assessing the brain dump for what is in your control and what isn’t in your control. What’s really in your control?
Why the Self-Judgement?
Start to separate fact from fiction and rebuild the stories you tell yourself.
The Power of the Present
Dwelling on all the things you need to can lead to anxiety. And focusing on the past can lead to depression. Come back to now.
Thinking and worrying and having “What-If Brain” can leave you paralyzed with fear. Develop a fear-based planning strategy that you can use to kick What-If Brain to the curb.
Be Like a Duck
Be like the duck and let the water of life flow off your back. Know that life doesn’t happen to you. Life just happens.
What makes my CTFD coaching program different is that I work with your life, not some ideal life. I know that you can calm down. True story. I know you can, because I used the CTFD program on myself, and I calmed the fuck down.
After you walk through the six steps above, you will be
comfortable in your own skin AND brain
more productive with the giving of fewer fucks.
If you’d like to hear about how I apply Stoicism to coaching, give my interview a listen. I was interviewed by Dan Hafner for his Run Your Day podcast. Have a listen and reach out.